About Us
CABARET is almost entirely an individual one-on-one experience, a distinct art form with a structure and characteristics all its own.
There is an exchange of trust in cabaret between audiences and performers that is very personal that exists in no other medium. Cabaret demands attention,involvement and emotional response. It is a unique performance style designed to engage the audience intimately and closely in the performance itself.
In a concert or a recital hall it is the music that counts, in cabaret it is words that come first,which is why the songwriters and lyricists play such an important part in THE CABARET ROOM.
THE CABARET ROOM is there to reflect the cabaret scene of today in the USA, where it has been attracting audiences in many of the main cities, such as Chicago, Boston, Philadelphia, Los Angeles, San Francisco,Washington.D.C, but especially New York.
The reason for this is it has a gigantic pool of talent drawn from the Broadway stage where most of the cabaret performers come from. That, and the blurring of edges between cabaret and jazz in recent years has produced a degree of fusion that is working in both directions.
The term jazz singer has broadened and cabaret and jazz audiences mix and meet in the middle of this. Because of these factors there are hundreds of performers (both singers and musicians) unknown to the radio listening audience in the UK and elsewhere,as there is no programme devoted to these artists, which is the main purpose of highlighting both the talent and the genre in this THE CABARET ROOM website.
Laurie Stead